Absolute Cannabis Seeds Nordés Femminizzata.
This plant is the result of cross-breeding Black Domina with Critigal . Its Afghan ancestry provides an Indica element to this strong, tough hybrid capable of finishing the flowering stage by the end of the summer. These features make it an indispensable choice for outdoor, greenhouse and guerrilla crops, particularly in humid environments. That is why we named it after the northeast wind that often sweeps Galicia: NORDÉS.
The seeds of this strain produce plants that are easy to grow, very resistant, dense, compact, and early bloomers with a large amount of resin in their flowers. When grown outdoors, it can reach over two metres and its yield is around 600 grams per plant, but, most importantly, it is ready to be harvested at the beginning of September. That is why growers from rainy or cold regions really appreciate it, as they can harvest their plants before autumn comes. In indoor crops, it is perfect for the Sea of Green method, thanks to its large central bud, for which topping is not recommended. Flowering comes to an end after 50 days with 12 hours of daily light, and the plant produces around 500 grams per square metre.
Its buds are dense and heavy, and completely covered in resin. It is an exceptional plant when it comes to extractions, on account of its abundant production and the quality of the final product. Its taste and aroma are penetrating and intense, very similar to Skunk’s, a strain which also contains Afghan genetics. It has a strong Indica effect mainly on the body, making it ideal for relaxing activities.
Nodés is one of the best strains for all kind of resin extractions.
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Absolute Cannabis Seeds Nordés Femminizzata.